Beaches Aquatic Center, Inc.
  Street Address - 297 Aquatic Drive
  Mailing Address - 535 Davis Street, Neptune Beach , FL 32266
Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233
Telephone (904) 246-3822



Membership is open to everyone, but total membership is limited to 250 active members.

January 1 thru April 30 Session
May 1 thru August 31 Session
September 1 thru December 31 Session

Above table is for four month sessions and is intended to show these dates as reference marks for members.
Your membership starts on the day that you join and goes for 4 months duration (individual) or 1 year duration (yearly).

Individual - $350.00/Session Yearly $750.00

Couple* - $600.00/Session. Yearly $1,300.00

(*Two adults over the age 18)

Family** (May 1 thru August 31 Session) $650.00
(** Two adults and minor children under the age of 18 living in the same household)

The membership fee must be paid in full before using the pool's facilities

Pool Members enjoy many activities at the BAC complex:

Water Aerobics Classes 3 times a week:
Tuesday        1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Thursday       1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Saturday       9:00 am - 10:00 am

Beaches Aquatic Center is the largest gas heated pool at the Beaches

If you are over 18 and wish to sign up for lap swimming privileges, go to Lap Swimmers Page


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